Our Practice Charter


Your Doctor and Staff will always do their best for you.


To provide the finest care for ALL Patients, follow these simple guidelines



  • Cancel appointments that you cannot attend, or no longer need as someone else is always waiting.
  • Please think twice before requesting a Doctor to your home as a visit is not always necessary.
  • Do not expect a prescription every time you visit the surgery as good advice may be the best treatment.
  • Please request your repeat prescriptions in good time to avoid delays.
  • Please treat your Doctor and all staff as you would expect to be treated by them, with politeness and respect.
  • Please remember that Doctors and staff are only human - they cannot solve all your problems and some illnesses cannot be cured


The Practice does not discriminate on the grounds of race, gender, social class, age, religion, sexual orientation, appearance, disability or medical condition.


We operate a Zero Tolerance Policy, verbally abusive or violent patients will not be tolerated by the Practice under any circumstances.


All Personal Health Information (held under the Data Protection Act 2018)



Telephone conversations are recorded for staff training, monitoring and quality of service purposes.


We endeavour to give you the best service where possible at all times, if you wish to make a comment, compliment or complaint about the Practice, please contact the Practice Manager Mrs Gillian Revie, in writing, giving details.

A response will be provided within 10 days


Health Visiting, Midwifery, Treatment Room & District Nursing are provided by the

Health & Social Care Trust.






Some services that we provide are not covered by the NHS, charges will apply to such services which include but is not limited to:


Medicals for Employment or Driving

Insurance Claim Forms 

Private Sick Lines

Travel Certification or Cancellation


Charges are at the discretion of the GP concerned and will vary dependent on the work/time involved in each request.


Access to your Medical Notes


The Data Protection Act 2018 and the Access to Health Records Act 1990,

gives patients the right to apply for access to their health records.



A health record contains information supplied by the patient, parent and by others involved in an individual's healthcare.  Our Practice holds records in various forms ie written, computerised, audio, video, photograph and 



An application for Access to Health Records held by our Practice must be made in writing.  We must have sufficient information to enable us to identify the patient and locate their records.  An application form can be requested from our reception staff.


Completed application forms should be marked for the attention of the Practice Manager. 


Please be aware: due to the volume of such requests, these will now be managed by an external company.  These will be sent using a secure end-to-end encrypted transfer, thereby ensuring that there is no risk to reports and/or notes. 


Once we receive your application, your request will be forwarded to the company who will compile the information requested and inform you of when it will be available - you do not need to contact the Practice regarding this.  We have a period of 1 calendar month to complete this request.





Your medical notes are held in the strictest confidence. 


Information is not passed on without your consent, unless it is within the confines of the NHS, or by legal requirement, or it is of public interest. 


The Practice is computerised and registered under the Data Protection Act 2018. 


 It is a Practice and legal requirement that all staff maintain confidentiality at all times re patient records.


If you require your medical number you must contact BSO Registration Office to

obtain this



 Whitehouse Medical Group Practice Privacy Notice