Some useful links to other websites
Information Regarding your Hospital Referral
If you have been referred to see a Hospital Consultant by your GP. Hospital departments have waiting lists that the GP has no control over. If you have not received an appointment within 2 months of your referral, you can telephone the Outpatient Department and check your appointment date
(Contact Numbers are listed below)
It is most important that you contact the outpatient department and inform them if you Change your Address after your referral or if you want to Cancel your Appointment.
Hospital |
Appointments Office |
Antrim/Whiteabbey Hospital |
028 9442 4700 |
Whiteabbey X-ray Department | 028 9055 2530 |
Belfast City Hospital | 028 9063 5200 |
Mater Hospital | 028 9063 5777 |
Musgrave Park Hospital | 028 9090 2000 |
Royal Victoria Hospital | 028 9063 4700 |
Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children | 028 9063 2151 |
Ulster Hospital | 028 9048 4511 |
Ulster Independent: Private Appointments | 028 9066 1212 |